Lavender is one of my favorite scents. It always has been. The Provence region of France is known for it's sprawling lavender fields which are in full bloom from the end of June through August. So we are here at the perfect time!
We drove north west about two hours to get there and decided to stay in a nearby village called Manosque. There are many lavender farms and fields that you can visit and you just drive up and walk around. There is no gate or entrance fee, at least not at the ones we visited. We decided to see the Terraroma field which was beautifully manicured and has a boutique with all kinds of products made with lavender including candies, candles, perfume, even pâté!
Of course while we were there, we had to do a photoshoot. So take pictures we did!
The colors are so vibrant and it was another beautiful southern French day, albeit a bit hot.
There was also a sunflower field right next to the lavender grove, which was a nice surprise! We had a great time taking pics and enjoying the French countryside!