I already have a morning routine. I wake up, open my bedroom shade, walk into the kitchen and make a double espresso. I take my coffee into the living room and open the sliding glass door so that I can let fresh air and sun into the room. I then sit at the desk and work on my computer while drinking my coffee and in between emails, look up at the trees outside.
The weather here is incomparable to anywhere else. It's been a steady average of 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit with clear skies, sun and a pleasant breeze. It never feels too hot. It's not muggy. It's perfect.
Everything is just so pretty. So pleasing to the eye. I know I am biased but I think this is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I wake up in the morning and am so happy to be awake and alive and able to experience all of this. I am truly lucky. Life is good.

Are the Olympics on the list